Green Electron

Jerash Area

Another project done by our team in Jerash area Project size:                          24.9 kw peak Annual production:             42,670 kw Annual Savings:                  8,960 JD Capital recovery period:     1.6 years Type of…

Green Electron - Energy Solutions

Badi Wedding Halls

Solar power project installation and operation completed in Badi wedding halls Project size:                                             46.2 kw peak Annual production:                                 …

Green Electron - Energy Solutions

Masseh Area

One of our projects to feed a solar villa in the Masseh area Project size:                      23.2 KBO Panels:                             Trina Solar 400 W (Tray of Origin) Inverter:             …

Gregor Blackwod

Aenean diam purus finibus lectus – uthendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla! In molestie nibh at ipsum maximus, tristique congue lacus ultrices. Pellentesque non risus urna. Curabitur hendrerit convallis euismod.

Anna White

Nam id libero quis metus tincidunt aliquet. In molestie nibh at ipsum maximus, tristique congue lacus ultrices. Pellentesque non risus urna. Curabitur hendrerit convallis euismod.